Thursday 28 February 2013


1. メッセージはなんですか。(What is your message?
The message of my digital story telling is do not let your  prejudices or  people’s words influence yourself when making a decision or judgement.

2. 誰に見せたいですか。 (To whom do you want to show it?)
I would like to share this video to my classmates in LLJ200.

3. 何を使いますか。 (What are you going to use?)
I will use pictures and photos.

4. 一人でしますか。友達としますか。 
(Are you going to make it alone or with friend?)
I will do it alone.

1 comment:

  1. True, things similar to this happen nearly everyday in our lives. If the person doesn't have a strong will, he or she will be easily influenced by other people and in the end, affecting their action and judgement. Looking forward to your video!
